Sign the petition!

Following the DCMS announcement that no more than 6 amateurs may sing indoors together, a petition has been launched here. I was about the 850th to sign (polishes halo); it’s now at almost exactly 20,000 signatures and I’d expect it to get to 30,000 or not far short of that. getsinging

Watching the names of the latest signatories scroll by, I recognise quite a few, whether people I sing with (that’s you, Jane, you, Kieran and you, Dorette) or well-known figures. Either I’ve spent too much time doing this, or I know an awful lot of singers, or maybe the ones I know are more likely than average to protest in this way.

So there are more than a few who are protesting at this restriction, imposed late and without detailed justification. A warning in advance, with some reasoning and science, would have made it much more palatable. I doubt that tens of thousands of signatures will make the DCMS go back on its current position, but they might do well to reflect that most of us will have a vote in the next general election.

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