Lichfield, the geeks’ cathedral

I hope they won’t mind my describing them that way. Not long ago I wrote about their project to crowdsource transcriptions of their 19th-century music lists. I’m still at work on this, a few days of music at a time over coffee. In fact, I’ve done enough that many composer names and anthem titles are automatically suggested by my browser, though I still have to check for capitalisations and variant spellings.

China box with Lichfield Cathedral
I’ve also written before about Lichfield’s Advent and Lent quizzes. Two years ago it was encrypted dedications, and that was repeated this Advent, but using the same method of encryption each time: an online simulator of the Enigma machine. The machine’s daily settings were clued by placenames. With a little help (it’s useful being married to a mathematician) I got going and was able to work out the dedications, and identify enough of them to get namechecked on the winners’ report. A surprisingly large number of the information about dedications could be found on the internet, which was just as well as I failed to recognise some of pieces that I have sung many times.

I have no particular connection to Lichfield, though I might just possibly be singing there in 2021. [February 2021: No! It’s off.]

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