Duruflé’s Requiem copies in Bath

It’s the time of year when church choirs dust off their scores of Requiem Masses, and for us it brings round the sad thought that we can no longer sing Duruflé’s Requiem, because a few years ago our copies were borrowed or purloined, and not returned.

As I know quite a few singers in the Bath area read my blog, I’m using it to make an appeal. If your choir library has Bathwick copies of Duruflé’s Requiem, or you find yourself singing from a Bathwick copy of Duruflé’s Requiem, could you get the set of vocal scores returned to us? No questions will be asked about where they have been, and the scores can be returned anonymously, for example by slipping into one of the Bathwick churches during a service and leaving them at the back of the church. (Service times here and here). I know no choir would want knowingly to keep music in its library which really belonged elsewhere.

Less importantly (I think) the St. John’s Bathwick set of Wood in the Fridge (sorry, Charles Wood’s communion setting in the Phrygian Mode) has also been missing for a few years, and it would be nice to have that back too. We’re confident that these scores haven’t simply migrated from one of the two churches in the parish to the other.

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4 Responses to Duruflé’s Requiem copies in Bath

  1. Colin says:

    The Snap Shot of the service times works but I cannot get the page to launch. Neither can I find it on Google.
    I have no strong desire to sing Wood in the Fridge again; my heart used to sink when it came round at Peterborough. Mind you, that was 35 years ago when I had different tastes; I can’t actually remember how it goes. Another one was Fluffy Muddle (Woolley’s Modal service). Any advance?

  2. vhk10 says:

    I reposted the posting from a year ago, and didn’t realise there was link rot. I’ve amended the links now. Over the last few years there have been several attempts at putting up a website for the two parishes, but I think these URLs are the definitive ones.

    I prefer Wood in the Fridge to most other things I’ve sung by Wood, but that isn’t saying much as I don’t care for his music.

  3. parishioner says:

    Some of what is on the website is misleading – The Sun am service at St. John’s isn’t ‘modern language’, but possible attendees are being told that it is.

  4. vhk10 says:

    There is quite a bit of out of date info about the parish on the internet. The Churches Together in Bath website claims the contact for St John’s is Sally Wakefield, who moved away nearly five years ago! I pointed this out to CTB, but all changes have to go through Roger Nunn, and then to the webmaster, and this one hasn’t been made. A case for a CMS if ever there was one! (erm, that’s content management system, not Church Missionary Society!)

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